Water management and Climate Change

PARADOX is a project about Innovative training approach in the technology-assisted environment for water management. The main objective of this project is the development of an Innovative training approach in the technology-assisted environment for water management.

Why PARADOX Project

In Depths

The impacts of climate change on water availability and water quality affect many sectors, including energy production, infrastructure, human health, agriculture, and ecosystems. Staff qualifications, the inability to attract young workers remain one of the crucial points in Europe.

One of the key priorities for Higher Education is the reinforcement of the “Knowledge Triangle”, through the support of innovation, entrepreneurship and university-business cooperation.

Around Europe

This specifically applies to those traditional sectors, such as the environmental-related sectors, where changes in education and training are required to equip the future workforce with the new skills for the new demands generated by the changing patterns of economic growth as a result of climate change (e.g.: water sources, tourism impact).

Nevertheless, the European Security and its Water Sources is a key driver of sustainable growth with a significant contribution to Europe‘s overall economic health, competitiveness, creativity, innovation, employment, and growth. Staff qualifications along with youth unemployment remain one of the crucial points in Europe.

To boost the recruitment of highly prepared staff requires initiatives addressing training to make the sector attractive and capable of transforming both the academic knowledge and high-level basic and transversal competencies required to be useful and applicable.

For these reasons, this Strategic Partnership proposes the creation of a flexible learning pathway in line with the needs of learners and companies in meeting environmental targets and securing sustainable conditions for EU citizens. It will provide a joint study modules program supported by Industry 4.0 and Blockchain certification application that will CAPITALIZE COMPANIES WITH PREPARED YOUTH, providing enterprises innovation, expertise, and added value.


PARADOX will trigger modernisation and reinforce education aligned with the needs and opportunities offered by traditional industries. It will provide, assess, and look for the recognition of basic skills needed in the environmental-related sectors. PARADOX will also address transversal skills, such as entrepreneurship, foreign languages and digital competences.

HE students and staff, and also everyone involved in the development of this initiative will have the chance of increasing their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, their competences in foreign languages and, of course, increasing their skills and capabilities for employability in an industrial sector which is the main key driver in many European regions.

Our Focal Points

Environment and Climate Change
Pedagogy and Didactics
Open and Distance Learning
