Recent News
Project Reporting
Below you can find some of the project reports. You can download them if you find them interesting.
Closing Event: Final Conference
The final conference of the project was held in Tenerife on 9 February.
Last TPM in Tenerife
The project partners met on 8 February in Tenerife.
Final Conference in Tenerife (Spain)
During the conference, you will be able to learn about the results of the project, the contents developed, listen to experts in the water management industry, and enjoy networking sessions among professionals in the sector.
Second Newsletter
You can be informed about the latest news and the next event we are organising in Spain
Collaboration between European Projects: PARADOX – LIFE ALNUS TAEJO
PARADOX (“Innovative training approach in the technology-assisted environment for water management”) – LIFE ALNUS TAEJO (conservation and restoration of Mediterranean Alder forests priority habitat in Western international Tajo River basin).